Violet & Ophelia
Violet & Ophelia have been lucky in life. Since birth, they have only known love & kindness from people. They were born and raised by an ASPCA foster home in Florida prior to coming to Farmaste.
Their mom’s start to life was not as happy. She is a breeding sow who was rescued from the largest farm animal cruelty case in the Northeastern US. With the Westport Massachusetts Police Department, the ASPCA assisted with the rescue of over 1,000 farm animals from a 70-acre property. The conditions from which she was rescued were deplorable – many of the animals were showing signs of neglect and had no access to food or water. Deceased animals were mixed in with living animals throughout the property. These girls’ mom was one of the survivors, and the ASPCA placed her in a foster home where shortly after her arrival she gave birth to a litter that included Violet, Ophelia, and their sister Jeka who passed away in August, 2023. You can see more about the rescue here.
The sisters moved to Farmaste when they were 18 months old. Ophelia is an opinionated and sometimes sassy girl. However, she loves to gently take grapes from her caregivers as an afternoon snack and sleep outside on cool summer nights. Violet loves human visitors and is always the first to flop over for a tummy rub. She will often stay tummy-up for an entire tour group. She also loves rooting away evenings in her pasture. They are so smart & affectionate – we couldn’t love them more.